5 Ways to keep creativity flowing at work

Have you ever been at work and it seems like time is going by slow, so slow in fact that you wish you can disappear for 15 minutes without anyone knowing. When boredom strikes, let's just keep it on the safe side by getting creativity flowing on your free time. Adding a little extra creativity will prevent you from getting fired from napping at your desk and provide more inspiration to continue to do what you love. Check out these 5 tips and apply them to your life for a change.
1.Change Your Scenery
How is your desk set up? Is it cluttered? Papers everywhere? How about taking time to clean it up and replace the mess with a scented flower, your favorite child toy or something that brings calmness like your favorite painting.
2.Get Moving
Take a walk, Breathe, Stretch, Shake and let your worries go.
See what can you can do or what needs to be done with your co-workers, this increases morale and comradeship inside the office. Working together increases motivation and assignments to get done with more quality and speed.
4.R&R (read and research)
Pick up a book, watch a cool video or browse the internet on your favorite designers or problem solvers, it may give you inspiration to be more productive
5. Balance
The ability to go full throttle at work is key, but you still have to save enough time for a casual lunch conversation. It's important! When life does speed up at work and their is barely any time for ourselves. It will be helpful to your creativity and energy when you take a break once in a while.
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