Sell your home with great videos and photography.
Those looking for a home watch online videos to learn about the community in which they are considering buying a home or commercial property. Statistics show that 86% of house hunters watch these videos. This type of video is especially useful in an area with limited real estate competition.
This type of real estate videography is a 1-to-3 minute video designed to sell property (commercial and residential). Real Estate professionals have realized, just as other business professionals have, that nothing sells quite as effectively as video. 70% of those looking for a new home watch video home tours online.
Those looking for a home also need information about the steps involved in a home purchase or building on their land. As many as 54% of homeowners watch videos to gather information about the building, buying and selling process. Providing this service with your name or that of your real estate company can generate clients for buying and selling your listed properties.
A testimonial video can set you apart from your peers. 30% of those seeking a home watch video testimonials about the agent or company with whom they are working. This type of videography can set you apart from competitors in a large market.
This type of Real Estate videography provides a profile about an agent or real estate company. Potential clients view these videos, as well as recommend them to their friends – about 25% of homebuyers.
*All of our professionally produced Real Estate Films will include:
A Real Estate title slide with a descriptive title that communicates essential information about the featured property, the agent, or the company for potential clients and entices them to watch the video.
A video style appropriate to the topic or property, conveying the desired personality and impression of the home.
Your company information including your logo and contact information displayed prominently and long enough for viewers to read.
A compelling cover image – a strong exterior shot or an image that highlights the property’s best quality, a picture of your office, or of you. As a thumbnail, the cover image will appear on the video’s player page and as the featured image if you share your video on Facebook.
Captions that convey useful information like square footage and number of bedrooms and bathrooms for a home, the location of your office, or useful real estate terminology.
Descriptive text to highlight specific selling points or point out details in captioned photos.
Background music – preferably instrumental – that fits the property or other topic and your potential client.
A CTA (call-to-action) button at the end of the video that also appears whenever the video is paused that links to your listing or company homepage.
Script for film
Professional Actor/Actress talent
Voiceover Actor/Actress